To hatch a CYBER KOMODOS EGGs all you need to do is send your EGG NFT to our hatching address. In a few minutes, you will automatically receive a random full-grown Cyber Komodo back to the same address that you used to send the EGG. After you hatch your EGG and receive your Cyber Komodo NFT, check its rarity on our NFT Rarity Tool:
Each CYBER KOMODO is hand drawn and algorithmically assembled. Variations have 87 possible traits, including clothing, skin, eyes, mouth, hats, body and background.
The Cyber Komodos are stored on Arweave and will be sold at $77 equivalent in cryptocurrency.
We are building custom tools like an Escrow Bot to carry out secondary market trades on our discord and rarity calculator for Tokel NFTs. These tools will be open-sourced for other platforms.